Friday 26 April 2013

How to save yourself in Earthquake

Almost every person has listen a name Earthquake, even many people has faced it as well. And many people have lost their life in this. Yes, because this is a kind of disaster, which comes and destroy all the things on the way. But if we can take some steps may be we can save our life. Hence read below points carefully and inform others also.

1) Get under a chair or a desk. This way, if anything decides to fall such as a part of the ceiling, the chair or desk will protect you.

2) Get under a door way. They say that doorways have great protection and are stronger.
3) If you are outside, do not get near water or power lines. The power lines could fall into the pond or something and if you go there to check it out, you may cost your life.
4)  Having a meeting spot with your family. If you get separated which is very possible, have a place to meet after the earthquake such as the mailbox, dog kennel or shed.

5) Move against an interior wall if in a high-rise building with no protective desk or table nearby. Cover your head and neck with your arms.

Tips & Warnings

    If you take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, hold on to it and be prepared to move with it.

    Try to stay away from kitchens and garages, where there are often many objects that might fall.

1 comment:

  1. Earthquake is destroyer, so is very important for makind to take saliant or vigorous protection so that demise will not subdue. It is very good not run into the water that is nearby such as pond, swimming poll etc. It is also good not to stand by the building that is not strong. Standing beside tall building is not good also. Stand or hide under strong metal is good, because it will be difficult for strong metal to collapse even if heavy matter or thing fall on it.
