Monday 10 June 2013

How to save yourself from Snake bite

A snakebite is an injury caused by a bite from a snake. Snakes often bite their prey as a method of hunting, but also for defensive purposes against predators. There are many verities of snake in the world but very few snakes are poisonous, and in that very few snakes are more poisonous, these snakes are: Black Mamba, Cobra, Russell Viper, Taipan, Kraits, Jararacussa, Terciopelo, Egyptian Cobra, Indian Cobra, Jararaca. These snakes are found in different parts of the world, and are more dangerous. When any one can bitten by a snake then you can always apply below advises which can save their life.

  1. The first step is to tight bandage 3-4 inches above from place of bite.
  2. Wash wound with water.
  3. Immobilize the affected area
  4. Keep the wounded area lower than heart level, but do not allow it to hang down.
  5. Apply cool compress/wet cloth to affected part 
  6. Keep the person still to keep venom from spreading.
  7. Remove all clothing or jewelry that may become constrictive, swelling may become a problem with any constricting articles of clothing.
  8. Carry victim if possible; doing so will slow the movement of the venom
  9. After all these steps you can take one more additional step, by which your try to save person's life. Try to get a empty injection. And remove the needle, cut it little bit from the bottom (where you attach a needle, and also cut slightly from the top now it will work as a sucker. Put that injection on the place where snake has bitten, and try to take out blood from that area, first it will be blackish because it will be with poison. Try to take complete poisonous blood form both holes (from injury place or a place where snake has bitten, they will be two small holes because snake spreed poison in body through their two front teeth). Then you can see the changes in that person.


Do not cut the bite site or use your mouth to suck out the poison. These are likely to be ineffective and can increase the likelihood of infection.

Run or panic, an increased heart rate will speed the venom through the blood system.

Apply a tourniquet or tight band around wound.

Consume alcohol, caffeine, aspirin or anything by mouth. 

  • Fang marks
  • Swelling/severe pain at the site
  • Bloody discharge from wound
  • Burning
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Blurred vision
  • Numbness/tingling sensation
  • Increased thirst
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Loss of muscle co-ordinations
  • Convulsions
  • Rapid pulse
  • Weakness/Dizziness/Fainting

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